The Demographics of the
New College Student
E D U 6 2 0 5
S P R I N G 2 0 2 2
Offers students an opportunity to understand the changing demographics of students who matriculate at higher education institutions, such as first-generation college students, veterans, international students, and adult learners. Explores strategies and theories for college student access and success.
This course has been a wonderful in depth learning experience, and has given me a much better sense of who the students I serve actually are. In my role as the Administrative Assistant in the Department of Political Science, I work directly with undergraduate students on course registrations and curriculum questions. On any given day, I am talking with at least a dozen of the over 700 students I serve. Of those, some of them become Peer Mentors and work with first year students on adjusting to college and learning more about their field of study. This course has given me the ability to empathize with groups I do not belong to, and to conduct myself and my profession in a much more thoughtful manner.
I have spent a lot of time researching and working on the topic of the cost of higher education, but my signature assignment specifically broke down how those costs affect low-income students. I enjoyed being able to hone in more on an area that interests me. Furthermore, I assist in scholarship disbursement and work-study supervision. As a result of my research, I have a greater understanding of some of the needs of the students I serve and what I can do in my workplace now - as well as what changes I can work towards in the future - to better assist students.
The case study was interesting, as I have never interacted with a Veteran student before; even as an undergraduate. It is a unique situation that calls for unique solutions to address unique needs. Learning about the struggle of the student in our case study, and discovering valuable resources to address some of those issues has opened my eyes to where my own department could improve. I look forward to being able to implement some of those changes and support structures so that when a Veteran student has questions, we will already have answers.